Gone are the days when mothers stayed at home with the children while fathers worked at full-time, manual-labor jobs. In today’s society, mothers are just as much an integral provider for the household as father. In some instances, they are even the sole providers for families. As a result, a shift from household duties being placed on the stay-at-home parent has evolved. Between attending activities for children, working full-time jobs, and fulfilling additional obligations, many individuals simply do not have time to prepare and cook every meal at home.
What is the Result?
Britons now seem to be following the trend set by Americans of eating out two to three times a week as a commonplace event. In fact, almost one in every ten young adults consume a takeaway meal at least once a day. Takeaway meals often consist of those that can maintain flavor and presentation for longer periods of time. Therefore, the most common fast food of choice is, of course, pizza.
Why is Pizza Such a Popular Choice for Takeaway Food?
Similar to America, the most favourite choice of pizza topping for Britons is pepperoni. Margherita pizza fell in at a close second.
But why is it that pizza takes a top rank amongst takeaway food? It certainly isn’t the cost. According to one study, consumers are willing to dish out some dough for a good pie. It appears that the reason for this popular takeaway favourite is actually just a result of declining dining habits. It is quicker and more convenient to just grab a pie and go instead of preparing a meal at home.
What Does This Mean For Our Health?
As one can imagine, the increase of pizza consumption does not result in good health attributes for anyone. Packed with calories, salt, and fat, pizza is actually one of the worst fast foods available. Obesity, as well as Type 2 Diabetes and Heart Disease, are direct results of poor dining habits. Though it is far more convenient to order a takeaway after a hard day, what is the price we are willing to pay for the bad health effects it causes?
Do I Have to Stop Enjoying Pizza?
Of course not! However, you should be aware of how much takeout you are eating on a daily basis. Limit indulgences, as they are just that. Happy eating!